Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why steno?

First of all, steno is not court reporting.  Okay, it's mostly court reporting, but even most court reporters are freelancers doing depositions.  So steno is many things.  It's captioning, it's CART, it's wherever and whenever there needs to be a guardian trusted to preserve the official record.  An honor really.

So I look at learning this skill as the key to my freedom, financial and otherwise.  I can't wait for the day when I get my certification and can realistically fantasize about where I want to go and how I want to preserve the record - in a court room, a law office, in my slippers in my house watching tv.....

A recent speaker at our school said something that got me all excited, she said that as the guardian of the record,  "You control the room."  Aah, the power..... Now she said this in the context of an unruly deposition where communication broke down and she was forced to maintain the civility, but I like to think of it as license to keep the peace and make sure people don't degenerate to the level of....t.v. pundits.  Maybe need to put more thought into captioning.....

And last but certainly not least, steno makes me feel good about myself.  It's a real accomplishment and not something many people can do.  Conquering the challenge of theory and speed is a warm fuzzy feeling. 

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