Thursday, April 5, 2012

The first day of the rest of your life

What an exciting week!!  I wasn't sure how I would take to learning the actual theory and method of stenography but I am pickin it up so far!  I know I have a long way to go, but the initial getting-to-know-your-writer period is over and I can say with a sigh of relief that I think I picked the right career move for the foreseeable future!  Whew!

I put quite a bit of thinkin into this possible career path before I committed the second half of my financial aid to a venture that is, ultimately, a bit of a gamble, but so far a sound one.  Can't live life without takin risks.

So what has been a fantasy is now becoming real.  Exciting and a bit scary at the same time!  But I really like my instructor and the support staff at school which is comforting and reassuring.

Monday really did feel like the first day of the rest of my life.  A warm fuzzy feeling.  


  1. I found you on depoman, and it looks like we started theory the exact same week! How exciting! It's awesome that you're capturing all of this. I've thought many times how much I'd like to do it, but I think it'd just translate to me looking like a bi-polar (bitch one second, excitement the next). It is very nice to come here and know that I'm not the only one feeling this way. :) Keep up the good work!

    -Nicole (Rubex_Cube)

  2. I never knew I was bi-polar, dyslexic, codependent, and occasionally homicidal - steno teaches you so many things....
