Sunday, April 15, 2012

On the cutting edge: Phoenix rising

I am so thankful I am learning stenography at this point in time.  From where I'm sittin, now is the ideal time to learn the new realtime theory, Phoenix theory.  Up until the very last few years, stenography writers always had a printer for the steno notes.  Not anymore.  Now laptops and a new theory have replaced the old writers and way of transcribing.  Those reporters who knew the old theory had to either learn the new technology or retire, thus opening up the profession to a new generation of realtime reporters.  Who knew my laziness and procrastination to embark on a real career would ultimately have an upside.  BAM!

I don't know if I could've handled having to learn a new theory after mastering an old one.  I feel for those making the switch, I truly do...

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